
as a visually impaired person I often feel the need to vent about issues I may come across to put out opinions and let others know they are not alone.

On this site I may vent, discuss discrimination, explore technology or mobility issues and browse products that may help someone with sight loss to improve their lives.

I may range from talking about guide dogs one week to doing a guide on how to use the mac and then compare social networking sites. If there are any issues you’d like to have me discuss on this blog, please email me at


7 Responses to “About”

  1. Mani G. Iyer Says:

    Hello MJ:
    I accidentally spotted your blog and loved it.

    I am visually impaired as well as profoundly deaf. I too fell in love with the Mac and am learning VO now. I recently got disabled from work and am starting a new life with learning VO, mobility and braille. Some day I will get a guide dog too.

    I got introduced to your blog when I was looking for a quick way to use iCal. And boy, you did give a nice short tutorial that got me started. Is there one for the AddressBook and Mail apps?

    Thanks a lot for your wonderful contributions,

  2. Mani G. Iyer Says:

    Hello MJ:
    I saw your latest posts on the quick start guide on the Mail and AddressBook apps and I know you did it for me!

    I don’t know how to thank you but it is going to be of immense help to me in conquering those apps.

    I am not going to ask you for more till I have digested every word you wrote on the posts!

    I stumbled upon your podcasts for the iPhone but I am going to defer that for some other time. I would never have believed that visually impaired folks can use the iPhone and iPod Touch till I saw your podcasts!

    Again, thank you so much. You rock!

    Take care,

  3. Sasmito Adibowo Says:


    I’m a software developer and I would like to help visually impaired mac users.

    I’ve just released News Anchor, a text-to-speech feed reader (RSS/ATOM) for the Mac. The application has potential for use by the visually impaired but there are still some rough spots as it needs to be tested by a person that actually uses the Mac’s accessibility technology on a daily basis.

    Further information about the app is available at http://NewsAnchorMac.com

    If you are interested in testing the app and wants a free reviewer’s license, please let me know at the email address above.

    Thank you.

  4. Matthew Says:

    hi MJ,

    I’m reall impressed with your work here. I’ve been using a mac and voiceover for almost three years now, and I’d never put the effort into trying to figure out i-cal or addressbook. With your quickstart guides, I feel like I don’t have to. Thanks a lot.

    I’m now working to develop a blog for myself on wordpress. I have to say, I’m finding it quite a challenge. I’ve managed to post, but when I try to edit posts I’ve made, I get stuck. If this blog of yours is any indication, you’re probably really handy with wordpress and voiceover. Could you help me out? Thanks!

    • MJ Phoenix Says:

      Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Glad it could help. WordPress is a great platform to blog on, however, it is not the easiest with any screen reader. My secret is an app called marsedit that I’ve used for almost two years now. I run a few blogs and all content can be added and edited from the blog. the only reasons I go to wordpress are to approve comments. Most of what I do is done within marsedit. I can edit pages, create pages, post and edit posts with ease. The developer is very open to accessiblity and it cost around $30 to buy. The developer is called red sweater. Hope this helps some. thanks MJ

      MJ Phoenix mjphoenix@phoenixquils.com

      google talk mjphoenix@phoenixquils.com twitter http://twitter.com/MJ_Phoenix website http://phoenixquils.com

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